Righteousness Is Both Imputed and Imparted
The Bible teaches that righteousness is both the foundation and goal of the Christian life. To put it another way, it is both the gift of faith from God and the fruit of obedience. It is both a gift and fruit and the foundation and goal simultaneously Bible teaches us is that righteousness is both imputed and imparted to the believer.
Carrying Through to the End
When we look at the Christian life, we can approach it in one of two ways. We can either think, "I have to attain to a standard that has been set before me," or we can say, "All I need to live this life is in Christ."
Election - No, Not the Theological Kind
We’ve all heard it said, or maybe even said ourselves, “Don’t bring up religion or politics, it will only end in an argument.” There has probably never been a year (at least in my lifetime) where that was truer than this year. The political discourse hasn’t been this acrimonious since the Lincoln-Douglas debates. The Hillary-Donald debates could top them though.
So, Just What Is Salvation?
Salvation as offered to us by our Heavenly Father is essentially a product of love and holiness. This love has God as its own merit and is a quality of the singularly Holy God. And when that love touches you, it changes you and you become one of His holy people, and this affection from God produces salvation for you.
Providential Love
Our lives are in God's hands...always. One of the greatest anchors to my faith is that I believe in the providential love of God. I believe that nothing happens in my life that God hasn't allowed, doesn't know beforehand, and is not with me as I experience it...nothing.
What Can't Be Seen Is Usually Most Important
The revelation of Jesus Christ and the gospel that the apostles preached and taught, is the foundation upon which His church has been built and it is the foundation upon which our individual lives are to be built. The trueness of His life and the sureness of the gospel are the cornerstone of both His church and my life as a man of God.