What Can't Be Seen Is Usually Most Important

“For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” Hebrews 11:10No one ever invites someone into his or her home and says, "Hey check out the foundation of our house...it's awesome!" No, when someone comes into our home they see our "finished product". Their first impression of our home is all about what is visible…not the slab or footings it sits on.But what many people don’t realize is that if the slab or foundation isn't level and plumb the doors won't close and the walls will be cracked. Though unseen, the foundation of the home is its most important component, much more important than the pictures hanging on the walls or the carpet on the floor.So it is in the church and in our lives. We as the church, the living edifice of the Lord Jesus Christ are also being built upon a foundation. Peter says we are like “living stones” being built together into a dwelling place of God. The apostle Paul tells us the apostles and prophets laid the foundation this “building” is being built upon. But more importantly, Paul tells us that Jesus Himself is the "chief cornerstone" of the foundation, the most important stone in the ancient world's building projects. It had to be sure and true because every other stone would be laid up against it and built upon its trueness. It was the beginning source of trueness in every sense of the word.The revelation of Jesus Christ and the gospel that the apostles preached and taught, is the foundation upon which His church has been built and it is the foundation upon which our individual lives are to be built. The trueness of His life and the sureness of the gospel are the cornerstone of both His church and my life as a man of God. Don't get too caught up in all the "decorations" of church life...it's programs, worship style, and vision statements. Though helpful and pleasurable, they aren't what are most important. Be most concerned of the foundation that it is being built upon. If it isn't the same one that was laid by the apostles, it won't stand. If it is, the gates of hell won’t be able to hold it back.

Rick and his wife Kathy have been in Northern California for 33 years, have planted two churches, and are the parents of 4 and grandparents of 11 beautiful children.His passion is the Word of God, teaching, equipping and strengthening the church locally, nationally and internationally.Twitter: @rickmartinezsac 

Providential Love


Conclusion: A Savior Is Born!