What is Your Mindset?

Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. - Philippians 4:8The Christian life is a life of faith in a God who cannot be seen. Though revealed through the person of Jesus Christ, we live a life totally devoted to One we have not yet seen with our eyes. Our life is also a life that is grace empowered; not deriving its strength or sufficiency from ourselves, but from Him who gave His life for us.The result is that most often, the main arena of struggle is within our own minds. The apostle Paul said in Romans 8:6, "The mind set on the flesh is death. But the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace." Paul is saying that we all have a dominant “mind-set” that controls our thought life from moment to moment and day to day. There is no neutral ground. Of course, no one can sit and only think about the things of God every minute of the day, so what is Paul saying? He is describing the dominant tenor or my thought life and of my mind-set. He says that the mind-set of a Spirit empowered life is the mind-set we must learn to live in daily and that which will then become the consistent mind-set of our lives. The mind that is set upon the things of God and that is Spirit led is dominated by truth, life, and hope in the midst of a world that quickly depletes us of those traits and qualities.
“The mind set on the flesh is death. But the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace.”— Romans 8:6

Paul writing from prison makes it his primary goal in this letter to encourage the worried church in Philippi. Amazing, the imprisoned apostle is encouraging those who are not in chains. How is it that he can do this? Because he had long ago learned to win the battle over his thoughts. If we think rightly, if we have learned to set our minds on what is eternally true and equally importantly what is presently true, it will enable us to overcome the lies, threats, discouragement, fears, harassment and weariness that comes our way in this life both from the enemy and from just living life itself. Paul, though in chains, was able to rejoice and even able to encourage others. He had learned to be content in all circumstances, because as the famous line says, “He got his mind right.” We have to get our minds right too. But we can’t do it ourselves…as in all of my life, this too is a work of God.

My part is to “think about such things". What things? Such things, the apostle says that are true, pure, right, lovely, admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise. Think about the redemptive love of God and about the power of the blood that not only cleanses us from sin but also purifies us from its stain. Think about the eternal Life of God that indwells us by His Spirit, a Life that is an overcoming life, enabling us to live above this world's hold. Think about the faithfulness of God, and His daily provision in your life. Think about the grace of God that is at work in your life and in His church, building and strengthening a people who are His very own. Think about the providential love of God that carries us through this life. And think on the beauty and excellence of Jesus who is both elder brother and Lord, friend and Risen King, our great High Priest and the mediator of a better covenant with our God. Saints, think about such things.

Rick and his wife Kathy have been in Northern California for 33 years, have planted two churches, and are the parents of 4 and grandparents of 11 beautiful children.His passion is the Word of God, teaching, equipping and strengthening the church locally, nationally and internationally.Twitter: @rickmartinezsac 

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