The Big Hole in My Theology

I will never forget that morning. It was in July 1982. I had just taken a morning run when I returned home to a phone call (this was BFT…before Facebook and Twitter). A friend called to inform me that Keith Green, his two young children, and another couple and their six children, along with the pilot of the plane had all died in a small plane crash in Texas.I had just planted my first church in the foothills above Sacramento, had recently become part of the newly formed Vineyard movement, and I was earnestly pressing in to God for an understanding of the kingdom of God and the power of the Spirit.But the news of Keith’s death rocked me, as I know it did many others at the time. How could this happen? Of all people, why would God allow Keith Green to die, his young children to die, and a whole young family of 8 to die so tragically?  Didn’t God need Keith Green’s music and writing and teaching? Where was God in all this? There were a number of phone calls exchanged with other pastors that I knew in the Vineyard at the time, discussing the implications of this. I’ll never forget the conclusion that many of us came to. The enemy had killed them. The unspoken implications from this conclusion were staggering. If it could happen to him, it could certainly happen to me.  Sure, they made a mistake by overloading an airplane, but I make mistakes in judgment all the time. If the enemy could “take them out”, he could definitely take out my family or myself. If this is the way spiritual warfare is waged, how safe are we really?  Why would God allow this? Where was God when this happened? What kind of vulnerability have I led my family into as a leader in a church actively engaging in warfare prayer and ministry?Not long after that, a young family in our church lost their first child to SIDS. Again, the sense of vulnerability and frustration was great, and I had a whole lot more questions than I had answers.  Inevitably I would attempt to quell the questions of the church and my own heart with “spiritual warfare” answers and solutions, using “kingdom theology” to try to come to some level of peace and clarity theologically. But it only led to more questions deep down inside of me.As I write this today, I still don’t have all the answers to the myriad questions that arise from this life of faith that we live. But I have learned to live comfortably with the mystery of not always understanding. And above all, in the last few years I have found an anchor that provides unfailing stability, brings great clarity, and quiets the potential anxiousness that is inherent in this kingdom walk and life. I have come to faith…in the sovereignty of God.
“...nothing happens that God doesn’t allow in His sovereignty and in His providential love. All the affairs of men are under both His gaze and control.”

You might think, “Don’t all Christians believe in God’s sovereignty? Doesn't that go with the whole Christian faith thing?” Yes…at a very basic level. But that basic understanding doesn't suffice at times, because I think many believers, as I did, have a sovereignty of God hole in their theology.

In saying that I have “come to faith in the sovereignty of God”, it’s important to also understand what I am not saying.  I am not saying that because God is sovereign it absolves me of any need for prayer or effort on my part. I am not saying that we simply sit back and do nothing, or do whatever, because, “after all why should it matter if God in His sovereignty is just going to do whatever He wants anyway?” I am not saying that we shouldn't evangelize…or pray for the lost…or intercede…or engage the darkness…or pray for the sick.  That is fatalism, and contrary to everything Scripture teaches us about the character of God and man’s involvement in the affairs of God.

But what I am saying is that nothing happens that God doesn't allow in His sovereignty and in His providential love. All the affairs of men are under both His gaze and control. All the nations of the earth exist (and their leaders!) because He has allowed (and purposed) them to exist. And what happens to the nations and to the people of the earth is all in the predetermined plan of God for history. (Daniel 4:17)  Trusting God as sovereign allows, those who understand the ways of God to find peace and well being through their trust in the Sovereign Lord of the universe as His plan is worked out both in the nations as well as in our own small, seemingly insignificant lives.

Is there mystery in all of this? Absolutely. Are there still questions that seemed unanswered? Definitely. Does it at times feel contradictory to preach that God is love, and at the same time say that He is allowing the heartache and pain you are experiencing in your life. Yes! That is unbelievably difficult to preach, teach and tell someone.  Is there a battle for the lives of men that I must be engaged in at some level? Without question! But ultimately I know that God is in control of the flow of human history as well as aware of the smallest sparrow that falls from the sky…and actively involved in my life and your life for our well being, and for His glory.To a non-believer, this is beyond foolishness. After all, it flies in the face of much of what the church even preaches today. “God wants you always happy and healthy, and incredibly wealthy.” It also contradicts logic, “Because after all, if God is a good God, He wouldn't allow the suffering that exists on the earth!”He is a good God.  He has made provision for the consequences of sin through His Son’s redeeming death. He is love. He is faithful. He is not asleep in His rocking chair. And He does allow bad things to happen to good people.  But Satan can’t do anything God hasn't allowed. Not willed…allowed. “Wait, say that again,” you say.There is much more to be said in upcoming posts as we look into the nature of God’s kingdom and into that much-misunderstood subject of spiritual warfare.But for now, let your hearts and minds dwell on these things saints. As the apostle Paul said, “The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”Rick Martinez


A Light to My Path


I Will Not Be Shaken