Christ My Life
— Nehemiah 4:1-2
Have you ever said to yourself, "Where do I begin?" Sometimes the task at hand seems overwhelming and it's hard to know where to start. When we survey the walls of our lives, at times they appear shaky and vulnerable. Sometimes they have cracks in them and don't look like they can stand much longer. Those can be difficult times, even for the strongest of hearts.Of course the enemy, as Sanballat did in the day of Nehemiah, is always ready to ridicule our "small beginnings", and quick to remind us why there will never be the change we hope for. Hopelessness and discouragement are his goal, because he knows that once we have lost hope and become discouraged there is a good possibility that we will give up. But as believers we're called to persevere and giving up isn't in our thinking or an attitude that we will give credence to, as it pertains to the work of God in our lives.That is exactly the point. The work in my life is a work of God. My life is in His hands. My work is to believe. Because I believe I obey, I respond, and I choose to walk out the right and godly choices. But the actual rebuilding of my life is only something God can do in me and for me. It’s a work that is Holy Spirit empowered, and facilitated by the Word of God transforming me through the renewal of my mind. It is a work that is finished in Christ, and therein lays the power and answer.When we fall into the rut of self-improvement we doom ourselves to an endless cycle of frustration and discouragement. The lies of the enemy are only relevant when I am still hoping in myself, hoping in my abilities to "get it together". But when I fix my eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith and I take my eyes off of myself and my inabilities and inadequacies, the enemy loses his ground for accusation against me. When he is confronted with the Son of Man and His righteousness, he loses his boldness very quickly.Paul said to the Corinthian church, "It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption." What a powerful truth; all the Christian life is now lived out through Him.Feeble in myself? Yes, absolutely. Unable to get it together, no matter how hard I try? Definitely. But He is able! His life has become my life. And I now live my life by faith in the Son of God, and not in myself. The enemy can't argue with that, and the rebuilding of the walls of my life will be completed.And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6Yes Lord, open the eyes of my heart to see Jesus. Continue to teach me the power of the Life that is at work in me. Cause me to walk in the maturity of knowing what is true in Christ, and to put no hope in my ability to live the life. Thank you Lord, for the work of the cross and resurrection. Amen