Mission & Message

We are a community of believers intent on knowing, loving and serving God in our day. We are also deeply committed to the New Testament truth that the life of a Christian is grace empowered. We do not have all of the answers, nor do we pretend to, but we seek to live genuinely and honestly in a way that testifies to the goodness and faithfulness of our God. Our message is very clear and simple; it is a Christ-centered message. We know the gospel is the power of God for salvation, so we place a high value and priority on teaching God’s Word faithfully. We also desire, honor and welcome the Holy Spirit’s presence, encouragement and work among us.

We are a Gospel and Christ-centered evangelical church that expects the active presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

We Believe

  • That God has revealed Himself as one God existing eternally in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; distinguishable yet indivisible.

  • That the Bible is the fully inspired Word of God, the only infallible rule for faith and practice.

  • That God the Father concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of man.

  • That Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son – was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary, atoning death, was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, and will return to earth one day.

  • That the Holy Spirit has been sent from the Father. We believe in His convicting and regenerating work, and abiding presence in the true believer. The Holy Spirit indwells all true believers and He has been sent to be the Comforter and Empowerer of the Christian church, to enable believers to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit and to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the scriptures.

  • That all people are sinners and yet made in the image of God. Only repentance and faith in Christ can restore us into fellowship with God.

  • That the Church worldwide is the living spiritual body of Christ, of which He is the Head and that all regenerated persons are members.

  • That the ordinances of Water Baptism and Communion are expression of faith and symbols of celebration done in obedience to His commands.

  • That the Lord Jesus Christ will return visibly to earth, judge the living and the dead, and establish His kingdom reign with the new creation of the heavens and the earth.

  • In what is termed “The Apostles’ Creed” and “Nicene Creed” as embodying the fundamental facts of Christian faith.


Matthew Martinez

Pastor / Lead Elder

Matthew Martinez is married to Shannon and they have 5 children: Ella, Jackson, Jonas, Judah, & Joaquin.

Kevin McCutcheon


Kevin McCutcheon is married to Anne, and they have 3 sons: Nathaniel, Noah, and Nick.

Rick Martinez


Rick Martinez is married to Kathy, and they have 4 kids: Kara, Matthew, Jana, and Hannah.

Theology Resources

The theology resources below are a compilation of sites and
blogs whose voices we value here at CCC. They are either men whom we have know well through intimate relationship or men whom we look up to as being ones who speak the truth with clarity and in a manner that is uncompromising.

We hope you will be as encouraged by them as we are.

  • Confluence

    Confluence is a place where the reformed, the charismatic, and the mission-minded converge to equip and serve the church to transform communities.

  • Desiring God

    God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him — desiringGod.org exists to help people everywhere understand and embrace this truth. They aim to make the glory of God and the goodness of joy the foundation and flavor of everything we do.

  • Enjoying God Ministries

    EGM exists to serve the body of Christ. Our aim is to be a resource not only for pastors and leaders but for all Christians who long to dig more deeply into the Word of God and to experience the fullness of the Spirit’s power.

  • Think Theology

    THINK is a collaboration of thinkers and writers who are passionate about the Church, and who enjoy spending time wrestling with deep theological questions and helping others to engage with them.

  • Genesis Collective

    A Leadership Collective

  • The Gospel Coalition

    As a broadly Reformed network of churches, the Gospel Coalition encourages and educates current and next-generation Christian leaders by advocating gospel-centered principles and practices that glorify the Savior and do good to those for whom we shed his life’s blood.

Music Resources

The music resources below are links to songs and song-writers that Capital City Church has been enjoying for years. Although each is unique in their own genre-specific way, the one thing that remains constant:

The unwavering commitment to a Christ-centered message.

  • Indelible Grace Music

    Indelible Grace Music grew out of ministering to college students, primarily through Reformed University Fellowship. As these students began to taste more of the depth of the gospel and the richness of the hymn tradition, many began to join the music of their culture with the words of our forefathers (and mothers!), and a movement was born.

  • Young Oceans

    Young Oceans is a neo-alternative worship project that evolved from hymns penned and arranged within the Trinity Grace Church community in New York City. Untethered from the expectations of a traditional congregational format, including both length and structure, a musical ethos emerged as more a companion to reflective prayer and meditation than to a typical church experience.

  • Trinity Grace Church

    Music from the parishes of Trinity Grace Church located around New York, NY.